Here it is as promised. Gundam Virtue 1:00 Review. Among the other units of the 00 gundam series Exia, Dynames, and Kyrios, the Gundam Virtue has caught my attention in the episode 10 when this mammoth size bulk purged its armor. Its massiveness may not be typically attractive but I find this kit interesting.
I was itching to buy this kit before but the stocks were usually unavailable. Until last month I was able to grab one. Surprisingly, its price is the same as other MG kits. I really don't know why until I had opened the box and found lots of runners! It should have been an MG. Only the absence of an inner frame has classified it as a No-grade. Nontheless, this kit is fun to build and customize.
I was itching to buy this kit before but the stocks were usually unavailable. Until last month I was able to grab one. Surprisingly, its price is the same as other MG kits. I really don't know why until I had opened the box and found lots of runners! It should have been an MG. Only the absence of an inner frame has classified it as a No-grade. Nontheless, this kit is fun to build and customize.