Monday, November 28, 2011

Assault Virtue Roll-Out Color Version 1:100

Here it is as promised. Gundam Virtue 1:00 Review. Among the other units of the 00 gundam series Exia, Dynames, and Kyrios, the Gundam Virtue has caught my attention in the episode 10 when this mammoth size bulk purged its armor. Its massiveness may not be typically attractive but I find this kit interesting.

I was itching to buy this kit before but the stocks were usually unavailable. Until last month I was able to grab one. Surprisingly, its price is the same as other MG kits. I really don't know why until I had opened the box and found lots of runners! It should have been an MG. Only the absence of an inner frame has classified it as a No-grade. Nontheless, this kit is fun to build and customize.

Out of the box, after I have snap-fitted everything, the kits looks plain but amusing to play with. Although its plastic look made me decided to custom paint it.

A video clip below in Episode 10 of Season 1  in the 00 gundam series is a delight to watch while the armor is purging to pieces.

The customisations I made in the kit were simple and not many. Apparently, the custom paint job is one of them. It has dark grey and blue accents. I also added a bit of a soft weathering because I don't want to mess up the paint job. Next, is the electronic curcuit board that I exposed on the legs in lieu of the typical rubber that Bandai includes in the 00 series kits. And lastly, the most important of all is the booster pack that took me some quite time to do. The availability of an approriate booster is the one thing that kept me on hold to finish the kit.

 As the armor purges, Nadleeh breaks loose! I discarded the original white color and painted it with silver. Likewise, I added weathering but not much.


And here is the odd thing, I tried to experiment on the plasticky hair since I am not quite satisfied with. I tried to use the bristle of my broom at home. It is locally called as "walis tambo" which is extracted from tiger grass. Anyway, I am not still convinced on how I achieved the effect of the bristles should sway. It's quite the opposite because the bristles lack softtness.


Poseability 8/10

If we are going to limit the poseability to Virtue alone, certainly the score will be much lower. But with Nadleeh compensating the articulation, it's decent enough to give this chunky kit an 8.

Excitement 9/10

Sure is a lot of excitement!

Design 8/10

The concept is totally unique amongst the other 00 series kits.

Weapons 8/10

Weapons are great! the cannons and the GN rifle!

Detail 7/10

The details of the weapon  are great and over-all it has to have a decent score.

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