
Hello to All!

Thank you for surfing this site. I would like to share this simple and humble beginnings to the gunpla community. I started this hobby since 2011. Although I'm not  interested in assembling gundam kits, I'm an avid fan of the gundam series and do watch them regularly.

One time a colleague of mine who had already started building his own kit invited me to come and see some of the new kits in a nearby hobby shop.  A mixture of both hesitation and interest dawned on me upon seeing all the kits. This hesitation comes with a thought that buying one is a bit pricey. Next,  I might not have a time to do the build. But the interest of having one, is an absolute temptation because the kits are really amazing. This throws me back in time of being just a kid tinkering a toy out from reality. Needless to say, the word "interest" prevailed on me and the rest was history as seen in the posts I have here.

I am not an expert in dealing with scaled model kits and have much to learn in dealing with customisations. So far my background in the industry of architecture and interior design has somehow paved way for me to enjoy painting my kits.