The striking thoughts finally paid-off. But a lot of unneccessary stuff happened. I got sick (my stomach was upset) and tons of tedious tasks had to be accomplished in the office.
Anyway, as I have completed painting and customizing this kit, I still find it lacking something. It doesn't have the wow factor. I am a bit disppointed maybe because it's only a No-grade kit. I have painted this differently because the original blue and dark blue with red and white color makes the kit look funky and weird. I don't know why, but my eyes find it not appealing. So to make the kit more serious looking, I have painted it with silver and metallic graphite finish.
There is nothing so much special on the modification that I have done on this kit. It's just a custom paint and a touch of little details on the legs. I added pistons and exhaust vents.
Well, for the review, I leave it to Haro. And I guess he has nothing much to say......
Poseability 6/10
It's not that bad, but good enough for a no-grade kit.
Excitement 5/10
Hmmm.... forget it....
Design 7/10
The dragoons compensated for its lack of character. I wish I had bought the MG version.
Weapons 4/10
Just two pieces of rifles and ofcourse the standard sabers.
Detail 4/10
Don't bother thinking about it. I was compelled of doing customizations on the legs. Last piece of advise, go for the MG version.
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